गूगल प्ले स्टोर से हमारी एंड्रॉइड ऐप डाउनलोड जरूर करें, शब्दवाणी, आरती-भजन, नोटिफिकेशन, वॉलपेपर और बहुत सारे फीचर सिर्फ मोबाइल ऐप्प पर ही उपलब्ध हैं धन्यवाद।
भारतीय संसद में 1947 से 1997 तक 50 वर्षों में दिए गए भाषणों में से 100 सर्वश्रेष्ठ भाषणों का संकलन सन् 2000 में “100 Best Parliamentary Speeches नाम से प्रकाशित हुआ था। इस पुस्तक में जवाहरलाल नेहरू, श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी, श्री राजीव गांधी, डा. राधाकृष्णन सहित 14 नेताओं के 100 भाषण संकलित हैं। इस महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक में चौधरी भजनलालजी द्वारा 4 दिसम्बर, 1986 को संसद में केन्द्रीय वन एवं पर्यावरण मंत्री के रूप मेंपर्यावरण संरक्षणविषय पर दिया गया यह ऐतिहासिक भाषण भी संकलित है।
Replying to the debate on a motion forgiving momentum to the environmental movement, the minister for environment and forests, Bhajan Lal referred to the problems of floods, drought and pollution all caused largely by the denudation of forests. He explained the steps the government bad decided to take for the preservation of the environment and for reducing the levels of pollution. Discussion on the motion was initiated by Digvijay Singh.
Mr. Chairman, a discussion has been held today on a very important subject. All the honble members who have taken part in the discussion have given some very good suggestions. I am grateful and thank them for it.
You know how much awakened the people have become today. No one had made any efforts in this direction four Or five years ago, first of all, it was our late prime minister is Indira Gandhi, who drew the attention of the people E towards it. This problem is not confined to India alone but is a E. matter of concern for the entire World. Today, foreign Countries also feel that a heavy price will have to be paid for the development that has been made. To fight against nature is Suicidal and you all know and the foreign Parliamentary Countries are also saying that if there had been lesser Speechessy development and the
environment had remained unaffected that might have been better. The health standard of the people is declining these days. This 19 4. 7 .7 9 19 كلم would not have happened otherwise. It is essential that || D Sliabh 75 si Kashy g || every individual in every country should enjoy good health. However, the level of environmental pollution is somewhat lesser here than in other countries. There are three major problems facing our country today. The first is that of floods, the second is of drought and the third is of pollution. You may be aware that deforestation is the main reason underlying the problems of floods and drought. If the mountains are denuded of forests there is no obstruction to the very fast downward flow of water eroding soil along its path. In this manner, the rivers get flooded. In case of
very heavy floods, four crore hectares of land may be flooded. On an average one crore hectares of land is affected by floods every year. The main reason underlying drought is the lack of greenery. You will notice that Gujarat, Rajasthan and several other states are often hit by drought. The main reason is that these areas are denuded of forests. Trees are felled. Alaw has been enacted in this regard but there are some shortcomings in it. The honble members have rightly pointed out that stringent punishment can be awarded under this law. We would be considering this law soon and would make necessary amendments in it so that this law becomes as effective as the pollution laws. I would state certain things later on. We want that similar stringent law should be framed about felling of trees also. Along with this, think that unless peoples cooperation is there and until it takes the form of a peoples movement, it will not yield the desirable results. I respect the opinions of the hon’ble members and feel that their feelings are very good and they have offered some very good Suggestions.
I would cite an example of the olden times to emphasize the importance, recognition and respect that our ancient sages gave to the forests. An hon’ble member from Rajasthan was speaking here. I will tell you a story from Rajasthan which is two hundred-and-fifty years old. According to this old story, the maharaja of Jodhpur had once ordered the felling of trees for constructing a palace. In those days, lime was used for the construction of buildings but it was to be seasoned before it could be used and wood was required for that purpose. When the king ordered the felling of trees, the servants replied that it would be difficult to find trees because there had been Continuous famine for the past four to five years. However, there are trees in the villages where the Vishnoi Community is living but they do not fell trees. It is against their religion because trees as well as human beings both have life in them and as such there is no difference between the two. As soon as you cut a tree and squeeze it a little, a fluid comes out. This fluid is similar to human blood. Therefore, it is a religious belief that felling agreen tree is as sinful as killing any other form of life. But the king ordered the trees to be cut and said that it hardly mattered that they were Vishnois. The servants reached there. As soon as they started Cutting a tree a woman came out and asked as to why they were felling the trees. The servants pleaded that they were only obeying the orders of the king. The woman made great efforts to stop them and said that cutting of trees was against her religion. Finally, to cut along story short, the woman was put to death. When her three daughters came forward to offer resistance they also met the same fate. Later thousands of people assembled there. This happened in the village Khajredi in Jodhpur district. Thousands of people gathered there and decided that though they could not fight the royal forces, yet wherever one tree was felled, one human being would lay down his life. And it happened accordingly. Men as well as women assembled in thousands and offered to sacrifice their lives for this cause. In this way 111 women and 252 men laid down their lives. When 363 distinguished persons were beheaded, then the servants rushed back to the king saying that they had cut 363 trees but in order to do it, they had to kill 363 people as well. The king said that they had committed a grave injustice and they ought to have informed him earlier
गूगल प्ले स्टोर से हमारी एंड्रॉइड ऐप डाउनलोड जरूर करें, शब्दवाणी, आरती-भजन, नोटिफिकेशन, वॉलपेपर और बहुत सारे फीचर सिर्फ मोबाइल ऐप्प पर ही उपलब्ध हैं धन्यवाद।