मेरे साथी मेरे हमदम – पं. रामजीलाल पूर्व सांसद (राज्य सभा) Part 1.

गूगल प्ले स्टोर से हमारी एंड्रॉइड ऐप डाउनलोड जरूर करें, शब्दवाणी, आरती-भजन, नोटिफिकेशन, वॉलपेपर और बहुत सारे फीचर सिर्फ मोबाइल ऐप्प पर ही उपलब्ध हैं धन्यवाद।

हम जीवन में अनेक लोगों के सम्पर्क में आते हैं। कई बार यह सम्पर्क साथ में भी बदल जाता है। परन्तु ऐसे

बहुत कम लोग होते हैं जो हृदय में इतनी गइराई से बैठ जाते हैं कि दुनियां की कोई ताकत उन्हें निकाल नहीं सकती। वे मन मस्तिष्क पर पूरी तरह से छा जाते हैं। उनके व्यक्तित्व में हमें अपना हित ही हित दिखाई देता है। इस प्रकार वे हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न अंग बन जाते हैं। ऐसे व्यक्ति के साथ रहने से जहां हमें अपार प्रसन्नता होती है वहीं उनके बिछोह से असहनीय दु:ख व विषाद होता है और जीवन अधूरा-अधूरा सा लगता है। मेरे परम मित्र आदरणीय चौधरी भजनलाल जी के साथ मेरा कुछ ऐसा ही सम्बन्ध रहा। हमने आधी शताब्दी (1961-2011) का सफर साथ-साथ तय किया था। इस आधी शताब्दी में जीवन में अनेक मोड़ आए, सुख के साथ-साथ दु:ख की घड़ियां भी आयी परन्तुहमारे मध्य कभी तिल भर की भी दूरी नहीं आयी।

उस महान पुरुष और विराट व्यक्तित्व के बारे में जब कोई मुझसे पूछता है या लिखने के लिए कहता है तो मेरे सामने असमंजस का पहाड़ खड़ा हो जाता है- कहां से शुरू करू और कहां खत्म करू?हां, वह 1961 का ही साल था जब मेरा चौधरी भजनलाल जी से मिलन हुआ था। सन् 1960 में चौधरी भजनलालजी ग्राम पंचायत आदमपुर के लिए पंच चुने गये थे और मैं कुरड़ी पंचायत के लिए सरपंच चुना गया था। उस समय की व्यवस्था के अनुसार ग्राम पंचायत के पंच-सरपंच ही जिला परिषद् के सदस्यों का चुनाव करते थे। सन् 1961 में हुए जिला परिषद् के चुनाव में चौधरी भजनलाल जी और मैं हिसार ब्लॉक-2 के लिए जिला परिषद् सदस्य चुने गये। चौधरी भजनलाल जी के नाम और लोकप्रियता के चर्चे पहले से ही सुन रखे थे परन्तु परिचय की शुरूआत यहीं से हुई। उनमें अपना बनाने की कला शुरू से ही थी। उनका जादू मुझ पर भी चला और मैं हमेशा के लिए उनका हो गया। सुख-दु:ख में शामिल होना और मिलनसारिता उनके वे गुण थे, जिनका मैं ही नहीं पूरी दुनिया कायल है। सन् 1965 के चुनाव में चौधरी भजनलालजी अपनी लोकप्रियता के कारण जिला परिषद्,हिसार ब्लॉक-2 के चैयरमेन बने। मुझे गर्व है कि उनके चैयरमेन बनने में मेरी भागीदारी रही और मैं उनके काम आ सका।

हरियाणा के अलग राज्य के रूप में (1966 में) अस्तित्व में आने के बाद सन् 1967 में विधानसभा का प्रथम आम चुनाव हुआ। तब तक चौधरी भजनलाल जी की लोकप्रियता अपने परवान पर पहुंच चुकी थी। अपने क्षेत्र के वे सबसे लोकप्रिय नेता थे। उन्होंने आदमपुर विधानसभा क्षेत्र से कांग्रेस की टिकट के लिए अपनी व चौधरी रणजीत सिंह डाबड़ा की दावेदारी प्रस्तुत की। हरिसिंह डाबड़ा (जो उस समय हिसार ब्लाक-1 के चेयरमैन थे) व कैप्टन बलराज सिंह डाबड़ा भी आदमपुर से टिकट के दावेदार थे। उस समय डाबड़ा परिवार का पूरे हरियाणा में नाम था। जब टिकट का फैसला आया तो आदमपुर से कांग्रेस की टिकट हरिसिंह डाबड़ा को मिल गई। तब हरिसिंह व बलराज सिंह डाबड़ा ने भजनलाल पर कटाक्ष करते हुए कहा कि कांग्रेस की टिकट यूं ही नहीं मिलती भजनलाल, आपके बस की बात नहीं है कि टिकट ले लो। चौधरी भजनलाल जी ने तपाक से उत्तर दिया, चौधरी साहब अब तक मुझे इस घर का पता नहीं था कि टिकट यहां मिलती है। मैं आपको चुनौती देता हूंकि अगले चुनाव भी जल्दी होंगे और टिकट भी भजनलाल लेकर जाएगा। चौधरी भजनलाल जी धुन के पक्के थे, जो ठान लेते थे वह करके दिखाते थे। 1968 में मध्यावधि हुआ और आदमपुर से कांग्रेस की टिकट चौधरी भजनलाल ने लेकर दिखाई व उसी स्थान पर डाबड़ा वालों से कहकर आए कि टिकट भजनलाल लेकर जा रहा है।चौधरी साहब उस चुनाव में कैप्टन बलराज सिंह को दस हजार से अधिक वोटों से हराकर विधानसभा पहुंचे। 1967 व 1968 में टिकट के फैसले के समय मैं उनके साथ था।

चौधरी भजनलाल जी 1970 में चौधरी बसीलाल की सरकार में कृषि मंत्री बने। एक बार वे लुधियाना के कृषि विश्वविद्यालय में एक बैठक में भाग लेने गये और वहीं पर उन्होंने ठान ली कि हरियाणा में भी ऐसा कृषि विश्वविद्यालय बनाएंगे। चौधरी बंसीलाल जी से उस समय उनकी घनिष्ठता थी, उन्होंने उनके सामने प्रस्ताव रखा और हिसार में कृषि विश्वविद्यालय बनवाया। उस समय गांवों में विद्यालयों की बहुत कमी थी। मैं गांव में हाईस्कूल बनवाना चाहता था। चौधरी साहब ने अपने वायदे के मुताबिक सबसे पहले आर्यनगर में हाईस्कूल बनवाया और फिर पूरे हरियाणा में स्कूलों काजाल बिछाया।

“My Companion, My Constant – Pt. Ramjilal Former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) Part 1.

In life, we come into contact with many people. Often, these connections change over time. However, there are very few individuals who enter our hearts so deeply that no force in the world can separate us from them. They occupy our minds and hearts completely. Their well-being becomes our priority. They become an integral part of our lives. Living with such a person brings immense joy, but their absence brings unbearable sadness, making life feel incomplete. Such was my relationship with my dear friend, the respected Chaudhary Bhajan Lal. We embarked on a journey together spanning half a century (1961-2011). During these fifty years, we encountered various ups and downs in life, experiencing both happiness and sorrow, but our bond never weakened. When someone asks me or prompts me to write about that great and extraordinary personality, I am faced with a dilemma – where do I begin and where do I end?

Yes, it was in the year 1961 when I first met Chaudhary Bhajan Lal. In 1960, he was elected as a Panch for the Adampur Gram Panchayat, and I was chosen as the Sarpanch for the Kuradi Panchayat. According to the system at that time, the Panch-Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat would elect the members of the District Council. In the 1961 District Council elections, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal and I were elected as members of the Hisar Block-2. I had already heard about Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s name and popularity, but our acquaintance began from there. He had a talent for building relationships from the start. His magic worked on me as well, and I became his forever. Being there in both good times and bad and the ability to bring people together were his qualities that not only captivated me but the whole world.

In the 1965 elections, due to his popularity, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal became the Chairman of the Hisar Block-2 District Council. I am proud to say that I played a part in his becoming the Chairman, and I was able to contribute to his work. After Haryana became a separate state in 1966, the first general elections for the Legislative Assembly took place in 1967. By then, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s popularity had reached new heights. He was the most popular leader in our region. He presented his and Chaudhary Ranjit Singh Dabwali’s candidature for the Congress ticket from the Adampur Assembly constituency. Harisingh Dabwali (who was the Chairman of the Hisar Block-1 at that time) and Captain Balaraj Singh Dabwali were also contenders for the ticket from Adampur. At that time, the Dabwali family had a significant presence throughout Haryana. When the decision on the ticket was announced, the Congress ticket was given to Harisingh Dabwali from Adampur. In response, Harisingh and Balaraj Singh Dabwali sarcastically said to Bhajan Lal, “Bhajan Lal, Congress tickets are not given so easily. It’s not your privilege to take a ticket.” Chaudhary Bhajan Lal replied immediately, “Chaudhary Sahab, until now, I didn’t know that the ticket is available at your house. I challenge you that in the next elections, which will come soon, Bhajan Lal will take the ticket.” Chaudhary Sahab was determined and always delivered on his promises.

In 1968, the interim

government was formed in Haryana, and fresh elections were announced. True to his words, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal contested the elections as an Independent candidate from the Adampur constituency. Despite facing strong opposition, he emerged victorious with a remarkable margin. His win not only fulfilled his challenge but also marked the beginning of his political journey.

Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s tenure as an MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) was marked by his unwavering commitment to the welfare of his constituents. He worked tirelessly to address their concerns and bring about positive change in the region. His charisma and leadership qualities made him a prominent figure in the state politics.

In 1972, the Indian National Congress recognized Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s immense potential and invited him to join the party. He accepted the offer and became a member of the Congress. This decision further enhanced his political influence and opened up new opportunities for him to serve the people.

The year 1977 witnessed a significant turning point in Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s political career. The Janata Party emerged victorious in the general elections, and he was appointed as the Minister of Revenue and Rehabilitation in the Haryana government. This was a crucial phase for him as he gained valuable experience in governance and administration.

In the following years, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal continued to make significant contributions to the state. He held various ministerial positions, including Agriculture, Irrigation, and Power, and played a pivotal role in implementing progressive policies and development projects. His visionary approach and dedication earned him immense respect and admiration from the people of Haryana.

In 1980, the Indian National Congress returned to power, and Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s political career reached new heights. He was appointed as the Chief Minister of Haryana, a position he held for multiple terms. As the Chief Minister, he focused on infrastructure development, agricultural reforms, and social welfare initiatives. Under his leadership, Haryana witnessed remarkable progress and emerged as a model state in many aspects.

Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s leadership style was characterized by his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He had a genuine concern for the welfare of the common man and worked tirelessly to uplift the marginalized sections of society. His inclusive policies and commitment to social justice earned him widespread popularity and support.

Throughout his political journey, Chaudhary Bhajan Lal maintained strong relationships and alliances with other leaders and parties. He believed in the power of collaboration and consensus-building to achieve the common goal of serving the people. His coalition-building skills and political acumen were instrumental in forming stable governments and ensuring the smooth functioning of the state.

In conclusion, my association with Chaudhary Bhajan Lal spanned five decades filled with shared experiences, challenges, and victories. He was not just a political leader but also a dear friend and confidant. His unwavering dedication, remarkable leadership qualities, and love for the people of Haryana left an indelible mark on the state’s political landscape. Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s legacy continues to inspire and guide us, reminding us of the importance of service, integrity, and compassion in public life.

From Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s political career, we can learn several key leadership skills:

  1. Vision and Determination: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal had a clear vision for the development and welfare of his constituents. He set ambitious goals and worked relentlessly to achieve them. His determination and unwavering commitment to his vision played a crucial role in his success.
  2. Charisma and Communication: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal possessed charisma and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life. His effective communication skills helped him build strong relationships with the public and gain their trust. Good communication is essential for leaders to convey their ideas, inspire others, and build a strong support base.
  3. Inclusiveness and Social Justice: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s inclusive policies and commitment to social justice were key factors in his popularity. He recognized the importance of uplifting marginalized sections of society and implemented policies that aimed to provide equal opportunities and benefits to all. Leaders can learn from his approach of addressing the needs of diverse communities and ensuring inclusivity in their decision-making.
  4. Collaboration and Consensus-building: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s ability to build alliances and collaborate with other leaders and parties was crucial in forming stable governments and achieving common goals. He understood the significance of consensus-building and working together with diverse stakeholders to drive positive change. Leaders can benefit from fostering collaboration and finding common ground to achieve broader objectives.
  5. Governance and Administration: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s experience as a minister and Chief Minister provided him with valuable insights into governance and administration. He understood the intricacies of policymaking and project implementation, which enabled him to effectively lead and manage the state. Leaders can learn from his emphasis on good governance, efficiency, and effective administration.
  6. People-centric Approach: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal’s focus on the welfare of the people was central to his leadership style. He genuinely cared for the concerns and well-being of his constituents and worked tirelessly to address them. Leaders can emulate his people-centric approach by prioritizing the needs of those they serve and consistently working towards their betterment.
  7. Political Acumen and Adaptability: Chaudhary Bhajan Lal showcased political acumen by forming alliances and navigating the complex landscape of politics. He adapted to changing circumstances and built strategic partnerships to achieve his goals. Leaders can learn from his ability to assess political dynamics, make timely decisions, and adapt their strategies as needed.

These leadership skills exhibited by Chaudhary Bhajan Lal can serve as valuable lessons for aspiring and current leaders, emphasizing the importance of having a vision, effective communication, inclusivity, collaboration, governance, a people-centric approach, political acumen, and adaptability.


गूगल प्ले स्टोर से हमारी एंड्रॉइड ऐप डाउनलोड जरूर करें, शब्दवाणी, आरती-भजन, नोटिफिकेशन, वॉलपेपर और बहुत सारे फीचर सिर्फ मोबाइल ऐप्प पर ही उपलब्ध हैं धन्यवाद।

Sanjeev Moga
Sanjeev Moga
Articles: 799

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